July 13, 2004

Menuju syahid...

Hari ini aku ingin membawa satu isu serius, amat serius dan amat penting. Moga ia mampu mengetuk minda dan menjentik benak semua, sebagai peringatan dan panduan, menjadikan kita hamba Tuhan yang mampu bersyukur dan kuat pegangan...

Dan janganlan dek kerana badai AF sekarang ini begitu kuat melanda, kita melupakan keadaan saudara seagama yang sekarang ini tidak ada masa langsung untuk berehat-rehat dan menghabiskan masa menonton rancangan kesukaan mereka!

Setiap minit dan saat mereka diburu oleh mata peluru musuh yang buta tidak kenal sesiapa, bedilan kereta kebal dan roket yang acap mensepaikan tubuh dan melayangkan nyawa, apalah lagi yang diharapkan pada kehidupan dunia... Dapat hidup sehingga ke hari ini, pagi ini, jam ini, minit ini dan saat ini pun cukup rahmat bagi mereka, seribu syukur dipanjat kerana usia dipanjang dan mampu terus berjuang...

Hanya Tuhan menjadi saksi, menjadi paksi, menjadi asbab dan menjadi harap penerus perjuangan demi agama, demi maruah, demi Tuhan, dan kesudahannya... syahid jadi impian!

Monolog keinsafan aku ini lantaran terbaca berita "Akhbar, ahli politik Britain kutuk Qaradawi" di BH baru-baru ini. Biarlah apa sekalipun tindakbalas yang diterima, ketegasan Syeikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi tidak mampu digugah dan diubah, jelas dan terang, tiada sebarang keraguan lagi.

Isu utama – PENGEBOMAN BERANI MATI DI PALESTIN... Fatwa ini boleh menjelaskan pandangan Islam:

Excerpt from first fatwa.
The late Azharite scholar and the head of the Sunni Egyptian Institutions in Egypt, Sheikh Fu'ad Mukhaymar, states the following:

"The view adopted by the majority of our contemporary Muslim scholars, describing as martyrs the Palestinians who blow themselves up in the occupied land in showing resistance against the aggression, is correct for the following reasons:

A person who blows himself up sacrifices his life for the survival of others. He dies for his homeland and his holy sites.

Those disarmed people are annihilated every day. Their houses and factories are destroyed and their farms are devastated. They stand with their hands tied before the tanks and armored vehicles of their enemies. The least they can offer is this sacrifice. A person who does this operation is considered by Ulama as a martyr especially as he sacrifices his life, not for a material gain, but for the sake of Allah."

Juga fatwa ini.

Excerpt from second fatwa:
"...issued by Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi, deputy chairman of European Council for Fatwa and Research:

"Martyr operations are not suicide and should not be deemed as unjustifiable means of endangering one's life. Allah says in the Glorious Qura'n: "And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but do good; for Allah loveth those who do good." (Al-Baqara:195).

This means that martyr operations are totally different from the forbidden suicide. Concerning the Palestinians, they carry out the operations in showing resistance to the aggression launched by the enemy who has occupied their land, destroyed their houses, desecrated their sacred places and driven about four million of them out of their houses, replacing them with even larger numbers of Jewish settlements.

The enemy relies on sophisticated military equipments while, at the same time, denying the Palestinians their basic human rights, killing their women, children and men mercilessly, and rendering the Palestinians powerless and incapable of defending themselves – even all the Arab countries face the same fate, lacking necessary weapons.

So the Palestinians have nothing in their disposal but stones which they throw at their enemy in order to defend their country. This, despite its indication of a high morale, cannot deter the enemy this way. So the Palestinians resort to martyr operations, in which the martyr blows himself/herself up, sacrificing his life for the sake of his country and inflicting serious but reciprocal harms on the enemy.

In the light of the above-mentioned facts, I believe that those missions are a sacred duty carried out in form of self-defence and resisting aggression and injustice. So whoever is killed in such missions is a martyr, may Allah bless him with high esteem. I call on every Palestinian not to hesitate in carrying out such operations as long as they are the only way of making Jihad and are made with an intention of sacrificing one's life for the Sake of one's religion and nation. I wish that other scholars who hesitate concerning such a matter to reconsider their views according to what I have said and what other scholars have said. May Allah guide us all to what is right."

Muslim Wakeup pula melihat dari perspektif psikologi pengebom berani mati:

"Both suicide and suicide bombing express the same underlying anger at those surrounding the suicidal person for having been unable to help alleviate (or in the case of Israeli occupation, for having actively contributed to) the unbearable environment from which death is perceived as the only escape. So regardless of what the Western media says, one cannot overlook the suicidal act involved in suicide bombing. Acknowledging this will always lead to the question of the cause of the suicide, which leads us again to the Israeli occupation.

The fact is that the attention focused on suicide bombing by the Western media largely ignores the brutality and hopelessness of Israeli occupation which causes it. This one-sided journalism oversimplifies the issue and turns it into yet another catchphrase to paint Palestinians as terrorists inspired by a murderous Islamic religion. This sort of religious reductionism removes responsibility from the Israeli government policies which have created an oppressed, desperate and hopeless Palestinian population, one in which suicide and the violence of suicide bombing are obviously symptoms of a greater, overlooked psychological illness."

Menj juga banyak menyentuh isu penting ini di Bismikaallahumma (klik current events).

Syahid atau menang, ia sunnnah orang berjuang...
